Adapted to every need
gray water, polluted water, brackish water, salt water.

Aquapure delivers drinking water as close as possible to users. Our equipments adapt and can be implemented quickly to respond to local emergencies
Aquapure delivers drinking water as close as possible to users. Our equipments adapt and can be implemented quickly to respond to local emergencies

Our equipments can be powered by solar panels, possibly supplemented by a hydrogen fuel cell.

Our equipments can be powered by solar panels, possibly supplemented by a hydrogen fuel cell.
Our equipments are all connected objects allowing preventive maintenance to be carried out remotely.
Our equipments are all connected objects allowing preventive maintenance to be carried out remotely.

Discover our solutions
Two cutting-edge technologies
The company Aquapure uses two advanced technologies: the disc filter and membrane filtration or the membrane bioreactor (a patented system).

Aquapure, a range of equipment
Our water treatment equipment is intended for:

To collective and individual housing

The treatment of gray water, possibly coupled with that of rainwater, allows individual or collective housing to supply flushing and watering. It can be supplemented with a calorie recuperator.

In areas lacking drinking water

The Aquapure system makes it possible to drink polluted or salt water. It is energy self-sufficient and has limited maintenance, suitable for dwellings in coastal areas, life bases, isolated islands and villages, and areas lacking water.

To agriculture and livestock

Aquapure systems make it possible to treat larger or smaller volumes of polluted water as needed and to allow watering or the supply of drinking water to animals.
Aquapure, solutions
For the treatment, recycling and desalination of water
The AQUAPURE® company started in the development of gray water filtration processes. It has extended its activity to the treatment of polluted water and salt water.
Our challenge is to provide good quality water in the right place. Our solutions are intended for individual dwellings, collective dwellings which consume a lot of water (hotels, residences or sites with a significant need for watering) but also for areas lacking drinking water (islands, disaster areas, etc.)
An ecological process
Because the first of the resources is the saving of the resource, and because desalination is the solution of the future if it is coupled with energy autonomy.
An economically profitable process
In single-family homes, the system will pay for itself over a maximum of 6 years and much more quickly in collective installations.
A reliable process
A system patented in France and in Europe and remote maintenance.
Contact us
What are the issues ?
Offer products adapted to each need that will provide good quality water in the right place and in energy autonomy.

Equipment intended for individual housing
For single-family homes we use membrane bioreactor technology with a production capacity of 0.5 to 10 M3 / day.
Equipment intended for collective housing
For collective housing, we use a technology of the membrane bioreactor type or disc filters and membrane filtration with a production capacity of 2 to 42 M3 / hour.

Equipment intended for areas lacking drinking water
Our equipment produces drinking water by cleaning up surface water or by desalinating seawater
Equipment for agriculture
We provide potable water to areas affected by drought or pollution for irrigation or for drinking livestock.

Nomadic and autonomous equipment intended for emergency interventions
Our vehicles are suitable for treating polluted fresh water, for example in the event of a flood, or salt water for an intervention by the sea. Mounted on a pick-up or on a trailer, possibly in containers for greater needs, they are self-sufficient in energy and can respond very quickly to difficult situations.